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Student Council


Furthermore, PIBS also elects members of the student council every year that officially represent all the students in the school. They act towards identifying and helping to solve problems encountered by students of PIBS. The responsibilities of the student council are to promote the interest of students among the school administration, staff and parents. The student council informs the students about any subject that concerns them and provides consultation on any issue of importance. Students of the student council organize financial campaigns and charitable activities throughout the year to help the needy as well as boost a sense of humanity and kindness amongst the students of PIBS.

The student council at PIBS is elected by our own students and generally includes wards from senior grades. We take pride in our council as it not only maintains good relations, out of mutual respect, with the school staff (the principal, teaching and non-teaching personnel) but also with the students’ parents. Students at PIBS have fun by participating in various educational and recreational activities organised by our council. New admissions here are also encouraged to propose school activities to the administration that would improve the quality of life in the school.

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